Tuesday, February 23, 2010

NYT Staff Editorial: "This may be the last best chance. [We] should fight to win"

The Live Bipartisan Health Care Summit--this coming Thursday morning 10am EST--of the president bringing together Republican and Democratic Congressional leaders, arrives to a TV (you can also watch it online, free, live & streaming right here at DownstateCafe.blogspot.com, or at http://drsforamerica.org/summit.php!) near you...

The New York Times has issued this verdict on current developments (read full article here):

"The president was right to invite Republican leaders to a health care summit this week. He should hear them out but also challenge them — directly — to come up with credible ideas that would both expand coverage for tens of millions of uninsured Americans and begin to rein in out-of-control medical costs. For too long they have been allowed to obstruct and demagogue.

And Mr. Obama will need to keep pushing in the days that follow and stiffen the spines of any wavering Democrats.

Most important, Mr. Obama needs to clearly explain the stakes to the American people. Reform is essential for Americans who have no health insurance. But it is just as crucial to the millions more who are just one layoff away from losing their coverage, and many millions more who watch with fear as the cost of care and their insurance premiums rise relentlessly. 
After delving into the pros & cons of "The President's Plan" for healthcare, just hot off the press this morning (and accessible for user-friendly browsing of its entirety & main points, at www.whitehouse.gov/health-care-meeting/proposal), the staff editorial ends,
"...Mr. Obama’s proposals provide a firm basis for both the Senate and House to move forward with comprehensive reforms. If the Republicans resort to filibusters to block passage, the Democrats should use a budget reconciliation procedure that requires only a majority vote for passage in the Senate.

This may be the last best chance for decades to come to reform the nation’s broken health care system. Mr. Obama and Democratic leaders should fight to win." (read full article here)
After so many hopes for this crucial healthcare reform, then disappointment, then hopes then disappointments again, then hopes,--who, with the resilient spirit, thinks the hopes will be answered?  Let's hope so.  Any thoughts?


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Did'ya catch the Super Bowl??--Announcing a "Bipartisan Summit on Health Care"

"President Obama said Sunday that he would convene a half-day bipartisan health care session at the White House to be televised live this month, a high-profile gambit that will allow Americans to watch as Democrats and Republicans try to break their political impasse.

Mr. Obama made the announcement in an interview on CBS during the Super Bowl pre-game show, capitalizing on a vast television audience. He set out a plan that would put Republicans on the spot to offer their own ideas on health care and show whether both sides are willing to work together.

...the bipartisan meeting, set for Feb. 25..."(full article at New York Times)


Thursday, February 4, 2010

U MUST SEE! THIS IMPASSIONED PLEA, on the ground w/ suffering America: Ed Schultz reporting from a temporary free clinic

Finally, someone who voices the raw anger and frustration at where the hell this political football has been kicked...

Finally, a piece of media that spotlights the real stories concerning the urgency of Health System Reform, stories that have been missing from the terrible, endless Washington debates...